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Hilo: OFFICIAL THREAD: Notify here new or dead chans

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Anónimo A started this discussion 10 months #5 ago

Hello, anonymous. In this thread, you can post your discoveries of new chans or notify about the closure of one.

The following information is expected:
Title of the chan:
Software used:

Only the URL field is mandatory as I could investigate the rest. But if you provide everything, it's better.

If you wish, you can also make a pull request on Github:

Thank you for your contribution.
↓ Replies ↓

Anónimo B, hace 10 months[^] [v] #2


Anónimo C, hace 10 months[^] [v] #5


Anónimo D, hace 9 months[^] [v] #6

URL: https://guro.cx/
Title: GUROchan
Language: English
Software: Vichan fork for all boards besides the oekaki one, which alone is using POTI-board EVO EN

Anónimo E, hace 8 months[^] [v] #7

Language: EN
Software used: jschan 1.3.2 and Kiramoji 3.3.2, apparently.

Anónimo A (OP), hace 7 months[^] [v] #10

List updated. Sorry for the delay.

Anónimo F, hace 6 months[^] [v] #13


Anónimo F, hace 6 months[^] [v] #14


Anónimo G, hace 5 months[^] [v] #16

URL: https://tubgurl.com/
Title of the chan: Tubgurl
Language: English
Software used: jschan

Anónimo I, hace 4 months[^] [v] #20

URL: https://bharatchan.com/
Title: BharatChan
Language: English & Indian Languages

Anónimo A (OP), hace 4 months[^] [v] #24

Updated with anon.garden, tubgurl and bharatchan.

Also add Indian to the language filter list.

Counting 311 chans in 20 languages

(Edited 5 minutes later.)

Anónimo J, hace 4 months[^] [v] #25

URL: https://minilauta.org/
Language: Finnish, /int/ for english speaker
Software used: miniboard https://github.com/minilauta/miniboard

Anónimo K, hace 4 months[^] [v] #26

drainchan.lol currently a single board ran on tinyib with a focus on underground rap and the culture surrounding it.

Anónimo L, hace 2 months[^] [v] #35

(Seperate websites)
URL*:drainchan.lol & ayashiichan.lol
Title of the chan: drainchan & ayashiichan
Language: english
Software used: fikaba on drainchan and ksphpenplus on ayashiichan.

Anónimo M, hace 2 months[^] [v] #36

URL*: https://indiachan.alwaysdata.net/
Title of the chan: IndiaChan
Language: English
Software used: Futaba-eki

Anónimo N, hace 1 months[^] [v] #38

LynxChan 2.9.0

Anónimo H, hace 1 weeks[^] [v] #39


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