OFFICIAL THREAD: Notify here new or dead chans Hello, anonymous. In this thread, you can post your discoveries of new chans or notify about the closure of one.
The following information is expected:
Title of the chan:
Software used:
Only the URL field is mandatory as I could investigate the rest. But if you provide everything, it's better.
If you wish, you can also make a pull request on Github:
Thank you for your contribution.
Last Replies::URL:
Title: Rotting Angels of the Omnipotent Eye
Language: english
Software: vichanURL*:
Title of the chan: Anões
Language: Portuguese
Software used: The software is made from scratchhi ppl
i will update the site soon
sorry 4 delay
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2,165 |
1 weeks |
Anõ Add
New Brazilian inageboard
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21 |
1 weeks |
volvio latinochan si volvio *se emociona
Last Replies::wtf
pues pon link o algo
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1 months |
. - . - . .
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78 |
1 months |
Por favor actualice la url de Vampiros a .org La url ha cambiado, ya no es más .xyz sino .org
De esta manera
Muchas gracias
Last Replies::No, chinga tu madre.
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54 |
2 months |
Only True 80s & 90s Gamers Can Ace This Quiz – Are You Up for the Challenge? i am better than everyone on retro games quizzes
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27 |
3 months |
Join the Ultimate Battle Now in the New Mobile Game Mobile games are more than just entertainment; they offer valuable benefits that enhance daily life. By stimulating cognitive development, they improve problem-solving skills and memory retention. Additionally, mobile games serve as effective stress relievers, providing an enjoyable escape from daily pressures. They also foster social connections, allowing players to collaborate and communicate with others worldwide, strengthening relationships. Furthermore, the goal-oriented nature of these games promotes motivation and a sense of achievement, enriching lives through improved skills and personal fulfillment.
Last Replies::test
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47 |
3 months |
Problemas técnicos en - Conexión a la base de datos rechazada > Anons, está presentando problemas con la base de datos.
Actualmente, el sitio está experimentando un error relacionado con la conexión a la base de datos. La causa principal parece estar en un archivo llamado database.class.php, específicamente en la línea 27. Este archivo es el encargado de conectar al servidor con la base de datos. Sin embargo, la conexión está siendo rechazada, lo que ha provocado que varias funciones del sitio, como los PMs y las respuestas a los hilos, no estén funcionando correctamente.
¿Por qué pasa esto?
Es posible que haya un problema con las credenciales de acceso a la base de datos, o el servidor de la base de datos podría estar temporalmente inactivo o sobrecargado. Además, el mensaje de error sugiere que el sitio está intentando conectarse a un servidor local (localhost), pero algo en la configuración está fallando.
Detalles del error técnico:
Error: Connection refused
Archivo afectado: /includes/database.class.php
Línea del error: 27
Afecta funciones como: PMs, respuestas en hilos, etc.
¿Cuándo se arreglará?
El equipo técnico ya debe estar al tanto de este problema, y es probable que se resuelva en las próximas horas. Mientras tanto, algunas funciones del sitio seguirán sin estar disponibles.
Si algún anon con experiencia en servidores y bases de datos puede aportar más detalles o contactar a los admins, sería genial. Solo queda esperar a que el problema se solucione.
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54 |
4 months |
Buenas noches, aquí les presento un test prueba de mi IB Hice un hilo referente a esto hace no mucho tiempo, aproveche y me monte un IB de prueba a ver que tal pruebenlo aver que les parece
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201 |
4 months |
Trick to finding lovers on dating sites Attention Note:
In an ever-evolving digital age, dating sites offer a unique platform to explore connections and find love. Embracing these platforms opens doors to endless possibilities, connecting you with like-minded individuals beyond geographical constraints. The convenience of filtering preferences and engaging in meaningful conversations fosters genuine relationships. With a plethora of options at your fingertips, dating sites pave the way for meaningful connections and potential soulmates. Embrace the digital era and leverage the power of dating sites to discover and nurture lasting relationships that resonate with your heart.
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164 |
5 months |
Virtual Private Network A tool used to create a secure, encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the internet. VPNs are a key component of cybersecurity practices as they help protect user privacy and data. Refers to the protection of personal information and data from unauthorized access and misuse. Privacy concerns often drive the use of tools and practices aimed at safeguarding personal data. Encompasses broader measures and practices to protect systems, networks, and data from various types of cyber threats and attacks. This includes using VPNs, antivirus software, firewalls, and implementing strong authentication methods.
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5 months |
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2,173 |
10 months |
hello idk
post ur favorite chans
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1,624 |
10 months |
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2,098 |
11 months |